The 81P Cargo spacecraft docked with the station after two orbits, after launching from Baikonur Cosmodrome

The Soyuz-2.1a S15000-052 rocket with the Progress MS-20 spacecraft took off at 12:32 pm Moscow time on June 3, 2022 (0532 EDT/ 0932 UTC). The spacecraft carried 2,500 kg of cargo to the International Space Station, and docked with the Zvezda module at 13:02 UTC, after a short flight of just two orbits. Among the cargo are 599 kg of refueling propellant, 420 liters of water, 40 kg of compressed nitrogen, as well as approximately 1,458 kg of various equipment and materials in the cargo compartment, medical and sanitary items, clothing, standard rations and fresh foods for the crew of the 67th ISS Expedition. A 3D printer was also delivered by the spacecraft.
The spacecraft was tracked ashore transmitting telemetry at a frequency modulated at 166.0 MHz, with the TORU remote control system kept on standby transmitting at 121.75 MHz and 130.167 MHz.

After the Successful Docking, At 18:55 Moscow time(15:55 UTC), the hatch opened from the side of the International Space Station, and then at 19:04 (16:04 UTC) - from the Progress spacecraft side.
Cosmonauts carry out air sampling with special gas analyzers, lay inter-modular ventilation ducts, install quick-release screw clamps for joint strength, and proceed to unload urgent cargo materials for biotechnological experiments that require a special storage regime.

The Next Cargo Mission to the Orbiting Laboratory is scheduled to Launch From Kennedy Space Center in Florida, U.S.A on a SpaceX CRS-25 mission, Targeting June 10, 2022.